Friday, June 27, 2008

Swallows and Amazons Forever

Last weekend, prior to the terrible news re: Nanny, we had had a lovely - positively idyllic, long weekend camping in Norfolk. We stayed at Woodside Farm in Thurne; a lovely quiet and well-organised little campsite in a gorgeous location, with excellent owners (Andy was a real gem), and beautifully spotless facilities. We arrived Thursday night, set up camp, and re-heated the rather delicious lentil curry that I had made in advance... bliss.

Friday was just amazing. We got up fairly early to lovely weather (sunshine and a little wind), and went over to the boatyard in Ludham - and hired one of the Hunter's Fleet day boats out for the day (Woodcut II). Gorgeous. Nothing beats it in my books - the Norfolk broads are an amazing and entirely unique environment, and the sailing boats are just utterly beautiful objects - almost a work of art in themselves. Made entirely of wood in the 1930s, they are almost silent (aside from the soft wind in the sails), and you can almost reach out and touch the wildlife that seem totally comfortable with them around. I hate to say it, but you feel so superior to the tourists chugging up and down the broads in their shiny, plastic, 1970's tub-style motor boats. Perhaps that's just me... ;-) On Friday evening we had a lovely BBQ, and took the 10 minute walk to The Lion Inn in Thurne - a pub that should be so much nicer than it actually is, but it serves beer... so.

Saturday, we walked over to Potter Heigham and back (a good 3 miles each way) - fantasising as we went over owning one of the little river-side holiday homes along the way. In the afternoon we went to the Museum of the Broads in Stalham Staithe, which was pretty fascinating stuff, and in the evening we walked to Clippesby Hall to make the most of their bar and restaurant - another 6 or 7 mile round trip, which meant that I more then deserved the delicious ham, egg and chips I had there!

Sunday, my parents and Tracy and the boys came to meet us in Potter Heigham, and we took them to How Hill for a lovely picnic (kindly supplied by my Mum). The kids really enjoyed running around the big hill-side gardens there, and we had a lovely walk around the place and down to the river. We had a bit of a wild goose chase in the afternoon, looking for a lovely pub that turned out to have been turned into a house... but nevermind. We ended up at The Dog near Ludham Bridge, and Oscar enjoyed scaring us all with his acrobatics on the climbing frame they have there. The family headed off late afternoon, and Mark and I returned to the campsite - where I cooked a lummy veggie chilli and we supped much wine and beer and watched the fabulous sunset over the windmill in Thurne... sigh.

Monday, we finished all our shopping in Lathams in Potter Heigham (our fave discount store!). and then went to Wroxham to look round the chandlery and get lunch. On the way home we also dropped in the gorgeous "lifestyle" shops in Elveden. Remind me to take you there if you ever come over for lunch (provided I know you, of course... ;-)

Much love - have a great weekend.

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