Friday, May 30, 2008

Holiday Mode

After much procrastination and deliberation, we finally finally bottomed out our holiday plans for the year. Looks like we might be doing a couple of Helena Brekkielong weekend camping trips (one to the Lake District, and one to destination as yet unknown), our trip to Cornwall with my sis and the boys is still looking good, and most very very much excitingly a trip to Bris-vegas in Oz to visit Jen and John and their soon-to-be expanding family, AND a whistle stop tour of Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon. Mark might even squeeze in a visit to Andy and Srey Neath, to check up on their new family addition too (unfortunately, I am too short of holidays for that!).

Jen - I hope you are dribbling with excitement at the same rate as I am... I will bring my baby carrier and wet nursing outfit! ;-)

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