Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Have spent the day in a bit of a tiz, trying to work out the review process for my company... why do they do it?! Why do they have to be SO complicated!!! You can end up spending several hours trying to fill in a form, when all you want to say to your staff member is that they are doing a bloody great job, and that they should continue in the same vein! It drives me mad... the upshot is that I have to go to London tomorrow to be reviewed by *my* boss, and hopefully that will give me some indication of how to review my staff! That's the idea anyhow... ;-) Kath from work is driving me into London (she has a meeting there), so am hoping this should take some of the horreur out of battling with public transport! Lets just hope we don't spend a few hours in a traffic jam on the M25 instead...

Not an awful lot else going on... Mark is *finally* feeling alot better, after two months with a series of colds... and I am feeling fit enough (I think) to go to netball tonight (ankle and finger are feeling up to it!) - although it looks darn cold outside! We are going to the football afterwards, so I have stocked up the slow cooker with a hopefully yummy veggie curry (it was sposed to be a vegetable *and* fish curry, but the Grimsby fish van guy didn't turn up today! pout...).

Forgot to say that Marta in China let me know that Jeremy has a job interview in Madrid next month - fingers crossed for that one! I think they would LOVE to move back home, for the sake of their pets if nothing else... I also have a sneaking suspicion I may have missed Marta's birthday mid-month (unless it is April?!), so extend my apologies for that one?! Is it right that Jeremy's BIG ONE is the 15th Feb, Mark's being the 15th March, making Marta's the 15th Jan, or 15th April (I know they are all in a row!).

Anyway... enough rambling. Time to go home and wrap up warm for netball...
Much love

PS. Happy birthday to my Godson, and cousin, Liam, who is an unbelievable 11 today... God, how time flies!

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