Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Late Newsflash! Heh... my sister has to meet Prince Charles and Camilla in her shop tomorrow in Southwold (for those that don't know, my sister owns a fruit and vegetable store in Southwold called Crabapple, which specialises in locally produced organic foods). HAHAHAHA... she is *so* scared! What is the protocol? What do you say? What if they don't even bother coming in? Does one polish one's potatoes and wear an outfit befitting a royal garden party, or do you turn up in Jeans and an apron, and give the 'down to earth' impression. Shouldn't organic veg look dirty? The intricacies of it all would cripple me. Of course we are all incredibly proud of her... but really!

timmy I have of course sniffed nonchalantly and told her to treat them like perfectly normal people - but considering I was rendered speechless and slack jawed at the sight of Timmy Mallet on the beach last week in Cornwall, I have no room to talk.

The most hilarious thing is that the media will want to speak to her afterwards. My Sister and I are deluded in thinking that we don't have a trace of a Lowestoft accent - but privately, we both realise that we are sadly mistaken. To avoid the truth, we try to avoid voice recordings.... HAHAHAH. Its all too much... I am extremely amused!

Love, Peace and "three of us in this marriage"... as they say in Southwold.
Much love

PS. When trying to find a picture of Timmy Mallet for this post, I found this podcast - which had an accompanying picture taken on that afternoon we saw him! Good old Timmy!

1 comment:

miss_belle said...

just tell tracey not to call them where-dos when they compliment her on the local swamp! ; )