Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Planet Hayloids

So... what has been going on in the world of Hayley? Not an awful lot, so we will keep it brief.

Bit of minor trauma last week. I am officially about to be "tennantless" (not "talentless", although that is also true). For a brief time, I was actually unofficially about to be "tennantless", as my kindly letting agents conveniently forgot to tell me that this was my fate. It took a friend from Norwich, who just happened to be scouring letting agents' websites, to point it out. Annoying and most surprising. After the initial shock, I think that this may just be the kick up the butt I need. I don't like being a 'landlady' (is that the right term? Landlord? Landlady makes me sound a bit like Bet Lynch... not necessarily a bad thing... I just haven't got enough leopard print blouses for such an accolade, but I have got the earrings). I am thinking of selling up - perhaps a bit of a gamble in today's financial climate, but perhaps better than a couple of years down the line when I would be lucky to be able to buy a sherbet dib-dab with my profits. So, if anybody knows anybody that wants to buy a very slightly run-down, but exceedingly charming cottage on the top of Gas Hill... get in touch. It has 'potential'! It also has a bath dumped in the front garden at the moment... We are not amused.

Anyway... what else? We had a nice weekend - if not a little too boozy. Friday night, we walked into La Village, and quaffed many beers and talked crap with some of Mark's workmates. Saturday, we invited Mark's Dad and Sister and her two girls over for a nice BBQ. The weather was searingly hot, so we erected a sun shelter for the kids, and put the sprinkler on for them. This prompted much nudie girl running action - not for Caroline and I (thank God I hear you all gasp), but for the winks. In the evening, we went to a work colleagues BBQ in celebration of his recent engagement (Chris and Claire), and then went on to a late showing of Wall-E at the cinema. Absolutely charming... I loved the Wall-E character - would it be weird to say that I found him a bit Woody Allenesque? Most of all, I appreciated his love for "Hello Dolly" - like Wall-E, that film taught me everything I know today about emotions... ahem. ;-)

Sunday, I went over to Lowestoft. In the morning I paid a visit to Janine - who seems to be suffering a little in the early stages of her pregnancy. Her daughter, Lola, was feeling the affects of the previous day's sun, and didn't get out of bed until about half an hour before lunch... bless her. We caught up with each other - and sat in the garden, fretting over Al the guinea pig - who seemed to be incarcerated in some sort of torture device; a boiling hot hutch, which had no respite from the sun. I am sure I have seen similar device used by the Viet Cong Army - although we refrained from skewering him with bamboo sticks. We sipped lots of cold water in sympathy for his plight...

At lunch time, I joined my parents for lunch (yet another BBQ!) at Tracy's house - along with 'he who shall not be named', unfortunately. I guess you cant always choose your fellow lunch-guests... (I was wondering if that Hutch could have been made just very slightly bigger?). The afternoon bought more nudie sprinkler action - the boys set about making Tracy's brand new lawn into a mud slide, and seemed to do rather well in this endeavour. I pointed out that Mark made me levitate across the lawn some full two months after our lawn was installed, to prevent the roots from becoming damaged (and in fact, even now - winces when I walk on it in anything other than felt slippers... heh). Thank goodness he was at work on Sunday. I don't think he could have coped with scenes of such gratuitous lawn-abuse; he would have been compelled to erect an electric fence, complete with look-out towers and snipers. I went back to Mum and Dad's for a bit before going home - and they gave me gifts from their recent holiday to Jersey. Some 'black butter', and a beautiful pair of earrings made from coloured clay.

The last couple of days, there hasn't been much going on really. Alot of cleaning and errands, lots of food shopping, and much rubbing of my sub burnt patches (these are multiple). The most exciting thing that happened yesterday was that I was rooted on the spot when I heard this song on the radio... ah memories (miserable looking git, isn't he?! God, I'm so original). Thankfully, I was in my car - so didn't bust any embarrassing dance moves:

Much love and kisses to you all. Love, peace and Aftersun... as they say on Planet Hayloids.

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