Thursday, June 05, 2008

Sticks and Stones... and errr... Netballs

netball5 Well, my high-flying netball career is at an end. I went out on a high (we won last week - 28-6), but now it is over... sniff <small trembling pout>. I broke my finger on the ball on Tuesday... as it turns out, this is a repeat incident (the X-rays showed that I had also broken it last year in a couple (count 'em) of places), and unless I want to end up with an enormous Cumberland sausage for a finger (mine are merely Lincolnshire sausage shaped at the moment), I need to lay off netball for a few weeks - perhaps for good. :-\

It *might* be a God send - could give me the opportunity to take up pottery again, or even learn a language (please don't laugh Marta - Spanish would be my choice!). Anyway... we will see. At the moment, it just bloody hurts - its a lovely shade of greenish grey, and is strapped to its neighbouring finger. Classy!

As a side note, the trip to Addenbrookes Hospital yesterday afternoon was not alot of fun on so many levels. First-off (and foremost) this place brings bad bad memories of losing Mark's Mum just five months ago. Secondly, the A&E department is always a slightly disconcerting place... a man presenting himself as a Schizophrenic without medication, a fully decked out and rather large funeral party who appeared to be bringing in the victim of a fight (presumably at the funeral?)... the mind boggles. Thirdly... well, I just HATE hospitals. I hate what they stand for... I just hate them!

Anyway... rant over. Tonight am going to the cinema with Emma and Caroline to see Sex and The City... and cant wait! Mark has his mate round, and this is an ideal opportunity to indulge in a shallow-fem-fest, and perhaps go for a cocktail afterwards (being careful not to eat more than the olive floating in it, and perhaps a small pretzel).

Lots of love


Fiona said...

Hello! Am most jealous of your SATC trip... I've not yet persuaded Dom to go!!! And of course, it might well be dubbed in Europe! In Hungary for a few days, back in just under 3 weeks :-( but will be up for a meet and a chat!


Fiona said...

PS Hope your finger gets better soon (that was actually what I meant to say in the first place!)