Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Constant Gardener

I had a very lovely (although not entirely alcohol-free) weekend last weekend....

Friday night was the awards night at Histon FC. A positively glittering affair in a marquee just outside the main entrance to the ground - quite how they managed to make it look so beautiful, considering that we were situated on the car park, I have no idea. Unfortunately, poor Mark spent most of the evening being the official photographer and taking piccies of people collecting awards and flowers etc... (including me), which meant that he didn't get to drink any wine, and I got to drink his share... and half the people on my table's share too. Ho hum... Anyway. I got a gorgeous bouquet of flowers in recognition of my months standing in the cold on the turnstiles, and a commemorative mug... I know that you are all just so jealous! ;-)

Saturday, we didn't manage to scrape ourselves out of bed until Midday - very unusual for us, even after a late night! Perhaps wobbling home on a bright red pair of high heels and sapped me of all my energy. In the afternoon, Mark's Dad came over and we dragged him to the garden centre to get a few bits and bobs for the garden. Early evening saw the arrival of Tracy (sans the children), and Mum and Dad, who were all staying the night so that we could make an early start at the BBC Gardener's Live show on Sunday. We made a fun trip to the local pub in the evening, and finished off with a rather delicious curry (bang goes that diet AGAIN!).

Sunday, we got up uber early (Dad was straining at the leash to make a start on his Father's Day extravaganza), and Tracy drove us to the NEC - a relatively short trip for us from Cambridge. We had a great day - bought LOTS of plants (so many that we had to buy a trug on wheels to put them in), a rather cool outdoor clock and thermometer, and a fab 'cat-like-Mia' wall tile, which I am making Mark put on the wall by the back door. Unfortunately, I didn't get to swoop on Monty Don (as I had planned) - but it was probably for the best. For him, anyway ;-) Mark had spent the day with his Dad at Bletchley Park/Hall(?) - the place where they cracked the Enigma code during the Second World War, and they seemed to have had a good day. The day ended with a short trip to the local to watch some footie, and a leetle bit more wine than I had planned.... (spot the theme for the weekend).

Yesterday I felt extremely unmotivated. I got up early for work, so that I could go to the gym straight after work, but in the end could not be bothered to go. I couldn't even be bothered to walk home at lunchtime to get food, and instead nipped to the sandwich shop opposite the office - which must have saved me, ooooooh.... all of 20 seconds! ;-) Last night I made a huge roast, and had an early night... perhaps some days you just need to sit on yr fat ass and eat lots of spuds and meat... mind you - it seems to be becoming a little more often than I would like! I made up for it today with a manic lunchtime visit to the gym - 40 minutes of Cross-training hell. I shall endeavour to keep it up until our camping trip this weekend :-)

Lots of love

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