Hayley "Whirlwind" Brown - my self given name for the weekend. It was a fiendishly busy one, even by *my* standards.
Friday night, I went to the gym for my spinning class (just to pick up some much needed speed for the rest of the weekend), and spun home to cook a big pot of chilli for Sunday (explained later) and do some bits and bobs to help mark out with his "mid-life crisis" party.
Saturday... up at 5:30, and over to my house in Norwich for 7:30. This is where I really work up some steam. By 8am I have painted the fence outside the house (a second coating of "forget-me-not" blue - ironic, as it still seems to be staining my hands some five days later...). I cleared the front garden of weeds (and some plants), and then set to work on the inside of the house. I painted lounge, parts of the dining room, and the bedroom - all in a glorious shade of White (with a hint of spittle). I'm not sure whether I managed to get more paint on the wall, or on me ;-) I cut the grass in the back garden, cleared some weeds etc. there, hung new curtains and a shower curtain, and in general gave the place a bit of a clean through. Phew... Martin came and signed the contract, and all seems tickety boo chez Quebec Road for at least a little while longer.
After that marathon, I headed over to see Jane and Jamie and little Ben - to give Jane a big bag of clothes I am getting shot of, and (more importantly) to get a cup of tea before I drove back to Lowestoft for the evening. I had been supping water out of the tap all day in Norwich, having forgotten to take a kettle with me! Lovely to see Jane and Jamie, and I CANNOT believe how big Benjamin is now! Bless him! He is a gorgeous hunk of pure cheeky chunkster... absolutely gorgeous, happy and strong little fella.
Having waved them goodbye, I went home to see Mum and Dad (Mum made a delicious beef stew thing). They were going to see "Riverdance" at the Marina Theatre in the evening, which was just as well as I had planned to spend the evening with Ricki, celebrating her birthday. I think that "Riverdance" might have been a poor choice for Dad - a kind of "look what you won't be able to do for the next few weeks" slap in the face for him ;-) He is being operated on (today, actually)... a sort of double hip replacement, where they actually resurface the hip joint with steel. I am obviously deeply concerned for him... not looking forward to visiting him tonight in Hospital (I have developed an aversion to them since the start of this year), but can't wait to give him a hug at the same time. Anyway... lets not dwell.
Mum and Dad went out early, so I went to see my Nan and Grandad who were babysitting for my Aunt's three children. Bless them... I do love them so much. I picked up Ricki from her parent's house (I LOVE going there, and sitting in her old bedroom - it makes me feel like I am 17 again!). We had a really pleasant evening. Went into Oulton Broad for a few drinks, and bumped into some guys from school. Spent much of the evening reminiscing about our mis-spent youth - and how often I used to sit around watching the others snogging, while I was just waiting for the boys to leave so that we could go to the sweet shop ;-)
Sunday, I got up early, did some shopping for my gig in the afternoon, and spent a couple of hours with Mum and Dad, Tracy and the boys... mainly watching the boys argue over the presents I had bought Oscar for his birthday. Ahhh... happy days. I wish that more of my life was spent worrying about whether my Sister said I could play with her new lego or not ;-)

Judging by my face on this picture, I am still contemplating it several hours later... ;-)

Much Love
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