Thursday, May 17, 2007

Pasties and a G-string

Well - it was pretty predictable really. Lowestoft is a small town, and it generally only takes a few days for these things to come out. Kevin has indeed got himself another woman in tow, and Alison has been informed. Most of all, its the kids I worry about... these poor little buggers put all their faith in their parent's relationship, and this is what is thrown back in their faces. Of course, in a way, you have to be careful with second-hand information (especially in Lowestoft)... but it makes so much sense that there was someone else involved. Nobody walks out on a wife and three children over a row over a shelf without something else going on?!!!! Anyway.... I just hope Alison can manage to hold herself and the children together. Her eldest - poor Liam (my Godson) has his SATS this week - I just hope he can manage to get at least some of it right. Or at least, I hope the school have the foresight to see that all of this could seriously affect his grades, and that they take this into account.

Anyway... not much else going on here... my first league netball match tonight (waaah!), and work up to my eyeballs!!! On a nicer note, went to see Adele yesterday - she and the bump are doing really well, and I am on call for her next week as this is her 'due date' and Jamie is on nights at the hospital... fingers crossed that I won't be needing my rubber gloves! ;-) Would be ironic if I had to act as midwife to a doctor's child!

This weekend we are possibly going camping (near Sudbury of all places!), and will be popping to see my parents on Sunday. Looking forward to it!

Lots of love

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