First off - huge apologies to my fervent fan base (I am assured by at least... errrr... one person, that my blogging has been sorely missed). I have no excuse, but may still blather on about work commitments and kitchen extensions and the like. Anyway...
This is a "Hello" and "Goodbye" call. Mark and I are off on our travels for a couple of weeks - touring Bangkok, Cambodia (Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville), and Laos (Vientiane). So, brace yourselves for a plethora of photographs of me looking like a big sweaty navvy (or a truckload of Irish tarmac-cers as Lynn so beautifully put it), Mark looking as though he is about to tell me I am using the camera wrong (I invariably am, and he invariably is), and lots of beautiful Asian sunsets and the like. Also be prepared for pictures of chocolate covered spiders, and me sucking the toe of a reluctant chicken (not *that* kind of photo - it wont be attached... dear me, that sounds worse!).
Anyway - big big love to you all. I hope we make the flights safely, and I will keep my fingers crossed that we don't drown in any caves, get whisked away by typhoons, or come-a-cropper in any motor vehicles (apparently moto and cow collisions are rife! ;-) Lets also keep our fingers crossed that I don't get the dreaded lurgy, and end up crapping myself in public (a common occurrence, I am led to believe!). My Mum was a bit concerned that I would run into President Mugabe in Bangkok where he has knowingly murdered lots of monks - but err... I think her geography is a little bit off.....
See you all soon - and be good in my absence,